Richard Thaler

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Richard ThalerRichard Thaler
  1. Few political libraries are without a copy of Nudge : Improving Decisions About Health , Wealth and Happiness , by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein .


  2. and Misbehaving , in which Richard Thaler traces the development of behavioural economics .


  3. They have a little bit of a conflict of interest , says Richard Thaler , a behavioral economist at the University of Chicago .


  4. We know , thanks to the research of the behavioural economists Shlomo Benartzi and Richard Thaler , that many investors do exactly what Markowitz did .


  5. Developed by UCLA business professor Schlomo Benartzi and behavioral economist Richard Thaler , it lets employees pre-commit to saving more every time they get a pay raise .


  6. For example , the economist Richard Thaler has proposed a plan called " save more tomorrow " , in which employees make commitments to contribute to their pensions not now , but later .


  7. Richard Thaler , a behavioural economist , likens spending with cash as " having one 's meter running " : there is a heightened awareness of the pain of payment .
